Posts Tagged ‘Engineering’

USA – Engineering & Reverse Engineering

February 19, 2010

by Dahni

© Copyright 2/19/10

all rights reserved

HOW can WE the People regain control of OUR right to “life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness? WE have delved into what won’t work in order to find what will work.

Here is where we are so far:

The List (simplified)

8.   Establish a new service to restore OUR rights to “Life, Liberty and the Pursuit of Happiness” – WE are working on this Now!

Today: USA – Engineering & Reverse Engineering

Sometimes in order to understand how something was engineered and what it looked like, when all WE have are the parts, WE need to reverse engineer. All the parts to OUR republic are still here. WE just need to put them back together – reverse engineer OUR republic, to restore OUR republic!

Last time WE looked at the word “incorporate.” Its two primary meanings are used in this blog and that is to combine parts into a whole and incorporate as a legal, municipal government. The Organic Act of 1871 incorporated the capitol of OUR government, Washington, D.C. as a municipal legal corporation. Even though this law was amended in 1872 and there have been various changes up to the present-day, the city of Washington, D.C. remains a municipal corporation. If this corporation’s exclusive and exercised power by Congress is limited to 10 square miles, how would it be possible for the federal government with its seat in Washington, D.C. to exercise power over WE the People, over the states, and the Legislative and Judiciary Branches of government? The central points are the 14th amendment to the Constitution ratified in 1868, the Conscription Act of 1863 and the Proclamation of 1861 with the president calling out the military and summoning Congress to re-convene.

Things equal to the same thing are equal to each other.

The 14th amendment made, WE the People the citizens of the United States and of the state wherein WE “reside.” The jurisdiction of, WE the People accordingly, resides with the federal government.  Since the Conscription Act is technically still a valid law, the states remain “districts” These “district states” were under the jurisdiction of Congress. The presidential proclamation of 1861 took jurisdiction over the Legislative and the Judiciary Branches of government by the Executive Branch and ultimately the president. This can all be understood in light of engineering and reverse engineering.

Original Engineering

In 1776, the people of the original 13 colonies, chose, selected, elected or designated representatives who met in Philadelphia, PA to consider independence from England. With consent of the people, all 13 colonies unanimously agreed. A formal declaration was written to show the cause of independence, which was tied to unalienable rights that among these are, “Life, Liberty and the Pursuit of Happiness.” But the same document also showed that the King had violated laws of the Magna Carta, which even the king could not do. The Declaration of Independence was a legal and formal document.

Independence from England was won!

Once again, the people of the several colonies sent representatives meet for the purpose of forming a more perfect union. The Articles of Confederation became the first constitution of the voluntarily united sovereign states. After much debate, a final Constitution was written, adopted and ratified by the several sovereign states, instituting a rebuplic with limited powers granted to a central government. It devided these limited powers as checks and balances by dividing the powers to Executive, Legislative and Judiciary Branches of government.

The engineering proceeded from the people of the sovereign states, to the states, to the legislative, to the judiciary to the executive branches of government OF the people, BY the people and FOR the people.

Reverse Engineering I

Reverse engineering can be seen as taking something apart or as putting something back together.

Beginning in 1861, reverse engineering occurred at the executive branch. Next, in took jurisdiction over the military, the judiciary and Congress.

In 1863, the sovereign states were designated as districts under the jurisdiction of Congress, which was already under the jurisdiction of the executive branch and ultimately the president.

With the ratification of the 14th amendment to the Constitution in 1868, by “district sates,” WE the people became subject to the jurisdiction of the federal government and of the “district state” where WE reside. Again, the “district states” have been under the jurisdiction of the federal government since 1863 and remain so, to the present-day.

All the parts above were combined, incorporated by 1868 with the finally part of WE the People.

In 1871, OUR nation’s capitol was incorporated as a legal municipal government. An Executive Congress of the time and to the present-day has exclusive legislative power in all cases whatsoever over this government. It’s physical boundaries are limited to 10 square miles.

With the Conscription Act of 1863 still in effect, the states became and remain “district states.” In 1868 the people became “district” citizens and also citizens of the United States, the federal government, the “district” of Columbia. In 1871 the seat of government (Washington, D.C.), was incorporated as a municipal government, limited to 10 square miles with its jurisdiction administered by Executive Congresses.

Since the law of 1863 is still in effect, all the “district” states, “district” citizens and federal citizens are all subject to the District of Columbia and corporate law!

This is reverse engineering!

Like the fictional prosecutor said in the movie ‘A Few Good Men –

“These are the facts of the case.  And they are undisputed.”

Captain Ross – ‘A Few Good Men’

So from 1861 through 1871, it took ten years to reverse engineer our country to produce a corrupt, corrupting and corruptible system. It started at the Executive Branch of government by the president and worked all the way to the people.  The Engine of our republic so to speak, started with WE the People and worked all the way to the sovereign states and to all three branches of the central government.

To tear down and rip out this corrupt, corrupting and corruptible system, WE the People have to see think and act like those in the movie series called the Matrix a non real world very similar to the non-real republic WE think (used to think) is real. To beat the Matrix WE have to return to the “source.” In our case, the source is the republic upon which OUR nation was founded. Like the Matrix, WE need to plug into or “jack into” the Declaration of Independence and the Constitution. That is the power source WE must return to. WE are not batteries, empowering some fictional machine world, but it is through US that this make-believe, fake, false, legal fiction corrupt, corrupting and corruptible system has been built and through US it can be torn down and ripped out!

The engineering OUR republic began with WE the People.

The Reverse engineering began with the Executive Branch gaining jurisdiction over the Legislative and Judiciary Branches of government. Next, it (the system) took over the states and then the people. All parts were combined or incorporated into the Executive Branch. Lastly, the seat of government (Washington, D.C.) was incorporated as a municipal government which made all the incorporated parts subject to corporate law. What is incorporated – WE the People, Inc. Reverse engineering ended with where engineering began and that US, WE the People.

Reverse Engineering II

To restore OUR republic (which is really still here), and to rip down and rip out this corrupt, corrupting and corruptible system, all WE the People need to do is reverse- engineer the process. This is playing by or contending by, the rules of the Matrix, the system. This is returning to the source which is the Constitution and the Declaration of Independence. What are WE declaring OUR independence from? In 1776, the People declared independence from tyranny. Today, WE the People declare OUR independence from a corrupt, corrupting and corruptible system!

Unlike the Matrix WE are not batteries, but similar to the Matrix, this system used US to construct a trap (legal fiction states and country). This system used US as bait for the trap. This system used US to capture US, WE the People. But what WE the People must understand is that this system, is dependent upon US, and without US, IT CANNOT SURVIVE!!!!

This corrupt, corrupting and corruptible system was not intentionally caused by a certain person, specific persons or a particular party. Therefore, it cannot be removed by a certain person, specific persons or a particular party. This system has woven itself into the fabric of all our lives and has been for over a 100 years. Because of this, it is difficult to lay the blame at the feet of anyone past or present. Since it is so close to the original, WE the People hardly recognize the original anymore. But it’s still here. Our republic has not changed. Our Constitution has not changed. WE the People have not changed.

Ask yourself the following questions.

Has government become too big? Is it efficient? Do the servants of the people serve the people or does it seem like we serve the servants? Should it really take over 1800 pages to make a bill in Congress that many lawyers also in Congress have not read and cannot understand? Do you feel you have more freedom, less freedom or about the same amount of freedom today as you did yesterday? Are WE under-taxed or over-taxed? Do you feel powerful or powerless? Are you confused about what is going on in this country? Are you angry? Are you frustrated?

If you have honestly answered the questions above, congratulations, your eyes are open! You know something is not quite right. What you are sensing is a corrupt, corrupting and corruptible system. It could not have been formed without US. It is dependent upon US. But it cannot survive without US. WE the People should tear it down and rip it out. WE the people should not let die, WE the People should kill it! It cannot be fixed, repaired, rehabilitated, re-constructed or re-engineered. It is a corrupt, corrupting and corruptible system. That is all it is, all that it does and all that it can ever do – corrupt anyone and anything it touches.

So HOW do WE the People, get rid of this system. OUR republic started with WE the People upward. The system started by reverse engineering, down to WE the People. So WE the People, just need to reverse engineer the system, all the way back up to OUR republic. I’ll call this, Re-forming a “more perfect union.”

Next Time: Re-forming a “more perfect union”

I have promised and will keep my promise. I promise you that what WE can do about all of this and HOW to do it is coming! WE are in it, right now! The solution is on the way! It is really quite simple. It will not take forever or even a lifetime. It will only take a small amount of time and your direct participation. It may be difficult, but WE can do it IF, WE the People so will to do it. Do WE so will?

What may seem as insurmountable odds in regaining control of our liberties may appear hopeless, but there is an answer! Stay tuned here as we continue.

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Ask not what your country can do for you

or what you can do for your country,

but what can WE the People do, for each other!”

1 of WE,

An Amer-I-Can eagle

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