History of Apples – Rise & Expansion

© 2013 By Dahni, all rights reserved


hen words fitly spoken of apples of gold in pictures of silver spread throughout the world, the huddled masses yearning to be free come, as stars in the sky without number. There is rise and there is expansion, of beautiful, fragrant, colorful and delicious – many varieties of apples.


nd with this rise and with this expansion comes both the necessity to expand the government of apples and the need of more servants to serve the orchards of US. And so to, is the potential for the rise and expansion of more corruption. At first, the numbers small, it is easier to detect rotten apples and remove them from the rest.



ut as the numbers swell and are left undetected, it becomes harder and harder to see and pick out the rotten apples from the rest of US. It becomes harder and harder to reveal what seems concealed. It could be hidden on purpose, but more than likely, in just the numbers of our masses, they are overlooked.



pples, apples everywhere. Apples on top, around and beneath, and within – intentionally or not, hide the rotten apples. In just a matter of time, before long, the rest of US are spoiled. The picture of silver rises and expands. The apple of gold blurs and fades and seems to be made to serve, the picture of silver.


“The picture was made for the apple –

not the apple for the picture.”

Excerpt from: ‘Fragment on the Constitution and Union,’ by Abraham Lincoln, January 1861? 


Next time:  Two Histories

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